Tag Archives: public speaking skills

Proficiently Preparing Eleventh Hour Presentations

You share the company of hundreds of thousands of other professionals around the planet if the thought of public speaking fills your mind with dread, and your stomach with butterflies.  Public speaking is often a daunting enough prospect in its own right.  What if you are coerced in to giving presentations at the very last minute?

You know all about failing to prepare and preparing to fail.  You are correct in assuming that even the most competent and experienced presenters remain steadfastly true to the mantra of preparation.  In that respect, being expected to deliver presentations with only 24 hours notice, or even half an hours notice, spins sideways what you have been taught to trust.  Yet happen it can and happen it does.  Just like mastery of the art of public speaking in general, impromptu public speaking challenges are tackled head on with practice, plus a few common sense ground rules in your back pocket.

1)    Plan To The Power Of Three
You need to grasp your subject matter and logically organise it when preparing to deliver presentations happening upon you at the eleventh hour.  The notion of a beginning, a middle and an ending is nothing new you to you.  It is a primary basic that you were taught to apply to story writing during your school days.  The same applies to impromptu presentations.  Your clarity of thought is enhanced and your panic reduced by arranging what you need to say in to an orderly opening, a main body, and a closure.

2)    Start Well To Continue Well
Your opening gambit should pack a powerful punch.  Bear in mind that last minute presentations are not usually random, but are required to address specific issues somewhat urgently.  Direct questions usually make attention grabbing headlines.  Try getting off on a good footing by stating the task at hand –  for example, this is what we are working on, this is where we are currently at, and this is where we intend to be, so how do we go about getting there as efficiently and quickly as possible?  Bingo!  Isn’t that the very essence of what your audience is there to find out?

3)    Remain Committed
Regardless of the duration of your short notice presentations, hark back to the power of three in the main body by breaking it down according to your introductory statements.  Reiterate the current position.  Expose and clarify potential concerns and impediments.  Confirm the plan of action moving forward, addressing the points you have already raised.  This provides your audience with a situation, issues and solutions.

4)    Wrap It Up Potently
The closing statements of any presentations need to be as potent as the openers.  In fact, they become one and the same thing when you bring your closing section right back to start and reiterate your opening gambit.  This is your check back to ensure that all concerns have been addressed and that your audience understands the journey you have just taken them on.  Furthermore, closing questions, and calls to action, give both presenter and audience ample opportunity share their views, clarifying that everyone is singing from the same hymn sheet and are ready to move cohesively forward.